Home - Rail Resilience, Singapore

SMRT Trains
Rail Service Resilience

The Singapore North South Line was commissioned into Communication Based Train Control service in May 2017 and a need was identified to rapidly diagnosis and address service and system issues to improve operational robustness.

CPC Systems was contacted and mobilized a Singapore and UK based team with extensive experience and a successful track record of improving service resilience during the commissioning, operation and maintenance of CBTC systems.

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Our Services

  • Railway service analysis and diagnostics and support to customer to prioritise improvements
  • Root Cause and Fault Tree Analysis to pinpoint service issues and identify appropriate solutions both at a high and detailed level, including interactions with other systems such as rolling stock and communications
  • Liaison with the railway operator and the signaling main contractor to ensure effective implementation of fixes
  • Development of diagnostic tools and manuals to leave a legacy of knowledge within the customer organisation

Supporting the client has facilitated an improved operational service and resilience whilst concurrently helping to build the customers knowledge base and leaving them an enhanced basis of systems expertise and service diagnostics with which to understand and manage their railway over the life of the signalling and control system.

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