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Risk Management

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Projects by their nature are risky. Committing to deliver a project or programme brings about the potential for the unknown or the known to interfere with the outcomes we are targeting. Changing the negative association to risk management into the understanding that identifying threats and opportunities and the likelihood of their occurrence can have a transformative effect on any project.

A leading industry issue with risk management is the failure to identify and assess risks comprehensively, understand when risks are no longer risks but issues, or when contingency held for risks can crucially be released or reallocated.

Alongside a lack of comprehensive approach is often the perception of risk ownership, many view risk management as a role of the risk manager and are unaware that the individual or teams proximity to individual risks best places them to providing a solution for management. CPC have extensive experience to share with your project or organisation to overcome these common risk management misinterpretations.

Learn more and connect with one of our CPC experts

Andrew Shackleton

Risk Management Services

  • Quantified Schedule and Cost Risk Analysis – QSRA, QCRA
  • Risk Management Maturity Assessment

Our approach

Our approach to risk management is centred around a people, process and systems methodology and integration with the other key functions of project controls regardless of its application to project, programme or portfolio. CPC will always look to capture both qualitative and quantitative risks, assess the impacts and explore the mitigation actions that can be taken to reduce the impacts of threats or maximise the potential of opportunities.

CPC look to utilise a four step approach to risk management, identification, assessment, mitigation and planning, monitoring and control. These steps are carried out in collaborative forum where possible and communicated effectively throughout the project. We follow the individual risk management process with an assessment of cumulative effect of risks when grouped together, or to understand linked risks where sometimes a risk can lead to a higher or lower likelihood of another occurring.

The integration of our risk management approach with schedule and cost management is key in achieving greater forecasting accuracy and ensuring greater delivery certainty for our clients and projects.

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