National Satellite Test Facility
Science Technology & Facilities Council
A new National Satellite Test Facility (NSTF) for the environmental testing of satellites is being built at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in Oxfordshire.
The NSTF will provide facilities for the assembly, integration and testing of space payloads and satellites to enable UK companies to develop the next generation of large, complex spacecraft and test them in the UK.
CPC were appointed by STFC at the start of the Early Works Contract (based on NEC3), to act as client-side project managers, responsible for cost, scope, programme control, stakeholder liaison, and management of the client-side consultants.
We are also responsible for oversight management of the main contractor, Mace. We work closely with both the construction project management consultant team and the NSTF facility equipment project team to manage and progress the project forward
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Delivery of the construction works is on target to complete in July 2021, with the facility, which includes satellite preparation rooms, acoustic testing simulator and electro magnetic capability testing, to be operational from 2022.
The £104m facility underlines the government’s commitment to the UK space sector which is estimated to generate £12 billion per annum for the UK economy.
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