Home - News & Industry Insights - Bank Underground Station redevelopment welcomes A-level students

Bank Underground Station redevelopment welcomes A-level students

London Underground’s Bank Station Capacity Upgrade (BSCU) project, in collaboration with Fourway Communication, welcomed A-level students for a tour of the current construction site, project update and careers talk, on 24th July 2019.

Andy Swift, BSCU Programme Manager and CPC Partner hosted the tour giving a project induction and careers talk alongside Stephen Holmes, Operations Director for the main contractor on the project, Dragados SA UK & Ireland.  Both Andy and Stephen talked about their own career paths to date, and the projects they had worked on.

The students were taken down to the main tunnelling site at Bank, to view, first-hand, the world-class engineering feats that are underway on this multi-million pound  project.

Earlier in the day, Fourway Communication provided four, specifically designed interactive sessions, enabling the students to work alongside experienced Engineers, and gain insight into the Electrical and Mechanical side of Engineering.

The aim of the day was to inspire the students to pursue a career in Engineering.

Andy Swift, CPC Partner said: “I hope we inspired these A-level students to continue to pursue their education in the Engineering industry.  I am proud to be part of the Bank project’s commitment to leaving a lasting legacy for the industry in the UK. I look forward to welcoming more students to the BSCU project soon.”

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