CPC’s Philip Pamment has published a new report “Future Homes Standard – The Hidden Challenges” looking at the inevitable changes to housing policy and why developers and landlords need to act now.
As the UK Government’s seeks to push forward with its zero carbon road map for Housing, the New London Plan is already adopting some of the changes proposed by the Future Homes Standard in its planning processes.
The report discusses the potential risks with planning, design miscalculations, poorly commissions systems, additional construction costs, and rising heating bills for residents.
Philip Pamment, CPC Associate Partner said “The Future Homes Standard includes some significant hidden challenges for those both delivering and operating residential accommodation in the UK, which are identified in this report. Our specialist residential team are already supporting clients developing high-rise buildings to understand these challenges, how to manage them, and future-proof their schemes.”
You can download the full report here: Future Homes Standard – The Hidden Challenges
If you would like to speak to Philip Pamment to discuss these issues further please get in touch.