We are pleased to announce that YRP have launched their Annual Dinner for 2020, which will be taking place on Thursday 23rd April at the Emirates Old Trafford Cricket Ground in Manchester.
Exclusively sponsored by CPC, the Dinner will also include an Awards Ceremony to recognise the contribution and commitment that young professionals are making to the rail industry.

YRP is run by young people for young people and those at the start of their careers in rail. They offer advice, guidance, professional development, interesting seminars and a unique access to the industry around the UK and across the globe.
The YRP Annual Dinner enables its members to network and socialise with colleagues and peers from all backgrounds and levels of seniority, who are unified by a dedication to the future of the rail industry.
Steve Mole, CPC Managing Partner said: “We are proud to sponsor YRP’s Annual Dinner for 2020. This key event is one of the largest of its kind in the UK, celebrating the achievements, commitment and passion of the next generation of professionals that are building their careers in rail. We’ve been part of the industry for nearly 30 years and this new decade has the potential to be one of the most exciting times for rail, particularly in the North of England, where the Dinner in 2020 will take place”
If you would like to book individual or corporate tickets for the event please email YRP: dinnerenquiries@youngrailpro.com

It is free to become member of YRP, who run regular events across over the UK, through its regional committees. To apply for individual membership, please visit: https://www.youngrailpro.com/register/
If you are an organisation, and are interested in corporate membership, please email Olivia White: olivia.white@youngrailpro.com for more details.